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This is the first article in brand new my web-site,, which had been an ever-lasting 'to-do' project for me. Finally, it's on. In this very first article I would like to explain why I created this web-site. 

It has been a long time desire to share the way I see the things with the rest of the World. Let it be science, business, sports, arts, technology or just fun. 

In the last decade, I tried some photography sharing web-sites such as flickr, deviantart, 500px etc as well as creating and participating in forums. But, none has served my purpose fully. I would like to have one platform where I can freely share my thoughts and my photography the way I like. Here we are.

As of today, the web-site is still under construction. I would be adding new content and menu items in time. I would be glad to hear comments about the web-site and the content in order to be able to improve and discuss the issues in further detail to gain and share knowledge. That is the idea in general; sharing our views, knowledge, the perception of art and such..

Well, I guess it's been quite long time since I haven't been writing. So, that's it for the first post. 

Thanks for visiting. Take care.


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