Days of Future Past

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I've seen the movie X-Men: Days of Future Past last weekend. First of all, I must say it is not one of the regular remake/series movies which contain nothing original but a 90-minute of distraction. This latest piece is more sophisticated and deeper than previous ones. At the end, it felt like I missed the previous one and directly watched this one but, no. I did not. i will come to this part in "spoiler" part.

Generally, I can say it was an above the average of its kind in terms of story-telling and curiosity sparking. Effects was quite good as always. I can't tell any of its kind having bad effects anyway. Sometimes i feel like Hollywood's digital artists already reached full potential of human sight, we cannot realize better than this. Gotta go 4DX for more I suppose.

--- SPOILER ---

Movie starts right after the devastating war between the mutants and the mankind which resulted by the victory of the mankind (yes, that's right! we won't extinct before we destroy the planet). Thanks to Tyrion Lannister for designing the Sentinels (polymeric giant robots with ability to imitate all mutants' special powers they encounter). The mutants never looked that hopeless which made me a bit sad by the way. 

Since the battle is already lost and Sentinels have a futuristic technology of running DNA tests from miles away to detect them, our dream team figures out that the only way out of this doom is going back in time and stopping Tyrion (sorry, Dr.Trask) of creating these robots. As any of the time-travel movies there are some tricky flaws that make you say "but, howcome he... & then he ...". Of course, only one who can endure this travel is the soldier of the team, Wolverine! He goes back and tries to get Charles Xavier and Eric (a.k.a. Magneto) back in 1973 where they are not the best friends of each other. To be more clear, young Charles is on heavy drugs while blaming Eric of causing the departure of Raven (a.k.a. Mystique) and Eric is in jail at the basement of Pentagon because of killing Kennedy with a bullet-bending trick (which is not true, as he says). The rest is a tasteful action, fantasy & humor mixture which gives you what you pay for if you ask me. And, my new favorite mutant is Quicksilver by far. His special ability is his speed which reminds me of one of my childhood favorites "Flash!" (I hear its remake is also under production, fingers crossed). His performance on prison escape scene is definitely worth watching again and again!

Only thing that didn't feel right is, by this post-battle scenario they made us miss the most juicy part of it. As an action movie fan, I would definitely like to see that battle between mutants and mankind no matter what the result would be. Where is my war? It feels like seeing the end of the story before starting to read a novel and then discussing it further by going to past and changing events to create the butterfly effect.

That's all from me. For more info and professional comments you may want to visit IMDB page:


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