Istanbul, 2017

Boat in the Bosphorus

Istanbul, 2017


I've seen the movie X-Men: Days of Future Past last weekend. First of all, I must say it is not one of the regular remake/series movies which contain nothing original but a 90-minute of distraction. This latest piece is more sophisticated and deeper than previous ones. At the end, it felt like I missed the previous one and directly watched this one but, no. I did not. i will come to this part in "spoiler" part.

Generally, I can say it was an above the average of its kind in terms of story-telling and curiosity sparking. Effects was quite good as always. I can't tell any of its kind having bad effects anyway. Sometimes i feel like Hollywood's digital artists already reached full potential of human sight, we cannot realize better than this. Gotta go 4DX for more I suppose.

--- SPOILER ---

Movie starts right after the devastating war between the mutants and the mankind which resulted by the victory of the mankind (yes, that's right! we won't extinct before we destroy the planet). Thanks to Tyrion Lannister for designing the Sentinels (polymeric giant robots with ability to imitate all mutants' special powers they encounter). The mutants never looked that hopeless which made me a bit sad by the way. 

Since the battle is already lost and Sentinels have a futuristic technology of running DNA tests from miles away to detect them, our dream team figures out that the only way out of this doom is going back in time and stopping Tyrion (sorry, Dr.Trask) of creating these robots. As any of the time-travel movies there are some tricky flaws that make you say "but, howcome he... & then he ...". Of course, only one who can endure this travel is the soldier of the team, Wolverine! He goes back and tries to get Charles Xavier and Eric (a.k.a. Magneto) back in 1973 where they are not the best friends of each other. To be more clear, young Charles is on heavy drugs while blaming Eric of causing the departure of Raven (a.k.a. Mystique) and Eric is in jail at the basement of Pentagon because of killing Kennedy with a bullet-bending trick (which is not true, as he says). The rest is a tasteful action, fantasy & humor mixture which gives you what you pay for if you ask me. And, my new favorite mutant is Quicksilver by far. His special ability is his speed which reminds me of one of my childhood favorites "Flash!" (I hear its remake is also under production, fingers crossed). His performance on prison escape scene is definitely worth watching again and again!

Only thing that didn't feel right is, by this post-battle scenario they made us miss the most juicy part of it. As an action movie fan, I would definitely like to see that battle between mutants and mankind no matter what the result would be. Where is my war? It feels like seeing the end of the story before starting to read a novel and then discussing it further by going to past and changing events to create the butterfly effect.

That's all from me. For more info and professional comments you may want to visit IMDB page:


images from:

Days of Future Past

United Kingdom, 2010

A lovely sheep apart from the gang, at Peak District, U.K.

Unbearable lightness of being

Istanbul, 2009

A piece of art in the alleys of Beyoglu.

Smokin' Hot

Istanbul, 2009

A boy I've met in Beyoglu.


Istanbul, 2009

Another shot from "numbers" trip at Beyoglu.


Istanbul, 2009

An Abandoned house in Beyoglu..


Istanbul, 2009

An old building in Beyoglu.


Istanbul, 2009

Another street shot from Beyoglu.


Istanbul, 2009

One of the shots from our photography trip with gezenbilir at Beyoglu. The theme of the trip was "numbers".


Istanbul, 2009

Sadly, all we can do is pray for them...


Istanbul, 2009

Glamorous eyes... alleys of Beyoglu.

Blue-eyed Tomcat

Singapore, 2008

These animals are photogenic or what? =)

Bye Dear

Singapore, 2008

Ready for the hunt.

The Gang

Singapore, 2008

One of my favorites.. Such a beautiful animal... <3

Zebra Portrait

Singapore, 2008

Look how lovely it hangs on to mamma's back.. =)

Carrying her love

Singapore, 2008

Unfortunately it's one of the endangered species. Seen very rare..

White Tiger

Singapore, 2008

Beautiful, isn't it?


Singapore, 2008

Siesta... Who doesn't like it?


Singapore, 2008

This little one filled his tummy with bananas =)

Baby Ape

Singapore, 2008

Scary, isn't it?

Such perfect example of evolution which enables it survive millions of years...

Mr. Crocs

Singapore, 2008

Anybody up for an afternoon snack?


Abu Dhabi Book Fair has started yesterday (April 30th, 2014) and will continue until May 5th in Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Center (ADNEC,

This year, country guest of honor is Sweden so you get to meet some Swedish authors and taste some Swedish food at the Kitchen corner (see top left side of the picture above). By being the country guest of honor, I would expect Swedish books to be more under the highlight but I happened to see just a few stands with Swedish flag and the biggest was dedicated to toddlers.

Generally, it was quite a disappointment for us because we expect a lot more content in English (and Turkish of course). But, the majority of the fair is dedicated to Arabic books which is understandable because this is one of the biggest chances of the region to showcase their literature. Anyway, let's continue to be selfish. I expected to find some good novels in a language that I can read as well as some technical content, at least related to oil & gas or construction by being the heart and blood of this region.

The majority of the content in English was children books, mostly pre-school and primary school education sets, games etc. We managed to find a stand with English books which was the place where we spent most of our time in fair. Most of the content was related to WW II (see top right corner in above picture) but, I must say, there were plenty of good books in politics and history in that one. That was our favorite spot!

Our second favorite was of course the Turkey's podium which was having some novels, photography books and re-prints of some ancient books from the era of Ottoman Empire. Majority of the pictures above are taken there as you'd say. It was not much but it felt good to see something remind us our country. I would expect more private publishers to be represented in the event though.

Besides that, there are plenty of English language teaching books even for specific sectors such as law, oil&gas, healtcare etc. which is very good considering the quantum of Asian and middle-eastern expatriates working here.

It was not crowded in first evening of the event. It was very easy to find an empty slot in car park. 

To conclude, I would advise you to pay a visit to this nice event. Everybody could find something of interest in there. At least, you would see some literature in your native language. I'm pretty sure there is a lot that I missed out here. That's all from my point of view, you can find detailed information in official website.

Abu Dhabi Book Fair 2014

Singapore, 2008

You think all they do is jumping from one tree to another, eating bananas? Everybody has problems... to think about. =)

Everybody has problems

Singapore, 2008

Agreed, not the best colored butterfly ever. But, still one my favorites. I like the depth and tone of green in it.Those were the days I was in love with my Canon 75-300mm lens. 

Green Mist

Singapore, 2008

Looks very cautious to me, reminds me the calm before the storm. 


Singapore, 2008

Perhaps it's their natural state of expression but still these rhinos look a bit sad to me.. like mamma and kid grieving after papa...

Sad Rhinos

This is the first article in brand new my web-site,, which had been an ever-lasting 'to-do' project for me. Finally, it's on. In this very first article I would like to explain why I created this web-site. 

It has been a long time desire to share the way I see the things with the rest of the World. Let it be science, business, sports, arts, technology or just fun. 

In the last decade, I tried some photography sharing web-sites such as flickr, deviantart, 500px etc as well as creating and participating in forums. But, none has served my purpose fully. I would like to have one platform where I can freely share my thoughts and my photography the way I like. Here we are.

As of today, the web-site is still under construction. I would be adding new content and menu items in time. I would be glad to hear comments about the web-site and the content in order to be able to improve and discuss the issues in further detail to gain and share knowledge. That is the idea in general; sharing our views, knowledge, the perception of art and such..

Well, I guess it's been quite long time since I haven't been writing. So, that's it for the first post. 

Thanks for visiting. Take care.

