Unbearable lightness of being

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United Kingdom, 2010

A lovely sheep apart from the gang, at Peak District, U.K.

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Smokin' Hot

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Istanbul, 2009

A piece of art in the alleys of Beyoglu.

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Istanbul, 2009

A boy I've met in Beyoglu.

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Istanbul, 2009

Another shot from "numbers" trip at Beyoglu.

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Istanbul, 2009

An Abandoned house in Beyoglu..

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Istanbul, 2009

An old building in Beyoglu.

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Istanbul, 2009

Another street shot from Beyoglu.

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Istanbul, 2009

One of the shots from our photography trip with gezenbilir at Beyoglu. The theme of the trip was "numbers".

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Istanbul, 2009

Sadly, all we can do is pray for them...

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Blue-eyed Tomcat

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Istanbul, 2009

Glamorous eyes... alleys of Beyoglu.

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Bye Dear

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Singapore, 2008

These animals are photogenic or what? =)

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The Gang

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Singapore, 2008

Ready for the hunt.

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Zebra Portrait

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Singapore, 2008

One of my favorites.. Such a beautiful animal... <3

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Carrying her love

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Singapore, 2008

Look how lovely it hangs on to mamma's back.. =)

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White Tiger

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Singapore, 2008

Unfortunately it's one of the endangered species. Seen very rare..

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Singapore, 2008

Beautiful, isn't it?

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Singapore, 2008

Siesta... Who doesn't like it?

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Baby Ape

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Singapore, 2008

This little one filled his tummy with bananas =)

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Mr. Crocs

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Singapore, 2008

Scary, isn't it?

Such perfect example of evolution which enables it survive millions of years...

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Singapore, 2008

Anybody up for an afternoon snack?

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